• Physiotherapy

    At TSS meetings we have a Physiotherapist and a Personal Trainer who attend 3 times a month for individual advice and exercise recommendations.
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  • Hobbies and Interests

    To engage in hobbies and interests which are stimulating, and which keep body and soul occupied is essential to our well-being.
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  • Speech Therapy

    Aphasia changes the way in which we communicate with those people most important to us. The impact of aphasia on relationships may be profound, or only slight.
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  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • Autumn Fayre 2019
  • Spring Fayre 2018
  • Christmas 2017
  • Open Day 2017
  • Charity Event 2017
  • Quick Links

Autumn Fayre 2019

We did well at the Fayre on Saturday 21st September.
Thank you to all the volunteers for making it the best we could have hoped for.

Spring Fayre 2018

Thanks again for all your help On Saturday the 24th Spring Fayre. It was windy but we raised a good amount of money.

In Total Before expenses € 1,281.63  - After expenses € 1,054.28. So, well done to all of you.

Christmas Party 2017


Click for more info

TSS Open Awareness Day 23rd September 

Torrevieja Stroke Support rehab centre Mayor Cuts Roperehabequipment300

Click for more info

April 2017 - Charity Event

On the 12th April 2017 - Don Calvito restaurant

Celebrating our 10th Anniversary - went very well and very well supported.

Donations from Euro Leisure Club

A hoist in very good condition was donated to TSS

Stroke Association Spain
Asociación De Ictus

The Stroke group is open for rehab on:

Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays

10am Until 1pm 

Spanish Physio Available:

Mi nombre es Maria José Aliaga y formo parte del equipo de SAS, junto con otros compañeros y voluntarios.
Asociación De Ictus es una asociación para el apoyo y acompañamiento de pacientes que han sufrido ictus.

Nuestro horario de consulta para sesiones de fisioterapia es lunes, miercoles y viernes de 10h a 13h con cita previa


Si necesitais más información, podéis contactar con nosotros:


620 907 474 (Maria : española) 

653 588 475 (Paul : English)

Charity Shop Now Open As Normal 

Stroke Association Spain is a self-support group providing a range of activities to facilitate recovery in a friendly, safe and therapeutic environment. 


Meetings (Temporarily Paused due to COVID)

Our Meetings Address:

Casa de Cultura
Calle Francisco Rivera Perez, 7
Benijofar 03178

Charity Shop 



Monday to Friday
10am to 2pm

Charity Shop Address:
Calle del sol 45

About our meetings

When you first contact us, a member of the team will talk to you about your stroke – advice and information will be offered – and information about group meetings given. 


Once you come to the group, you will have an assessment, following which you will have regular treatment with our therapists, if that is what you wish, and in agreement with you.


Blood pressure checks are undertaken by a nurse regularly and an art therapist attends the group once a month.


An important part of our group meetings, is the opportunity to socialise with other members (both stroke survivors and their carers) over a cup of tea or coffee.


Other group activities include quizzes and board games. We also have guest speakers.


There is no charge to you for any treatment provided at the group, but membership is 10 € per year. 

Our Address

Casa de Cultura
Calle Francisco Rivera Perez, 7
Benijofar 03178

Committee Members

Your Committe Members are: 

President: Paul Owen 

Secretary: Maria Aliaga Aguza 

Treasurer: Hilda Bathen Grau


not easy

think positive 

Some of the voluntary helpers


There are a range of other activities.

These include a monthly outing on a Saturday with a short walk.

Due to the generosity of donors we can offer occasional coach outings and we have taken members on respite breaks (wheelchair-friendly).


Millie:  one of our volunteers in the shop.
Mad women. 



Charity Shop

Monday to Friday
9am to 1pm

Charity Shop Address:
Calle del sol 45


Plus Tina and Arthur collecting a donation from the post box in Dona Pepa





As of today the Stroke group is closed.

Due to all municipal buildings being closed by the local government until further notice.
I will update as and when I get news.

Maria aliaga aguza

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